follow up on the pseudoaneurysm post from yesterday


Specializes in LDRP.

Remember I asked about them, b/c I'd never had a pt with one before?

Today, said pt was scheduled for the OR at 8am, to get it repaired. upon his assessment this am, the pseudo was slightly larger to palpation. THe or called, they are on the way. Pt gets up to pee.

he pushes the call bell and says

"my pseduoaneurym hurts and i think its getting bigger":eek:

(oh shoot)

go in there, and what was about a 1.5inch long by 1/2 inch across bump was now easily several inches across and several inches long, larger, raised, painful. i marked the edges with a pen, and it started going past the marks while i was still there.

i was so grateful that hte OR was on teh way and fixed him!

i know wonder, was it burst and bleeding into his leg? enlarging? it was hard to tell from the surgeons' scribbled post op note,and the dictated one didn't print up today.

(he ended up being fine)

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