Published Apr 11, 2016
anchorRN, BSN, MSN, RN, APRN
279 Posts
I have about 1.5 years of Active Duty left and am looking into FNP programs. I reached out to a program (EKU) in my home state today (where I received my BSN back in 2003), requesting information and also notified the program coordinator that my nursing school GPA was only 3.07. She replied back and said she rarely sees someone admitted with a GPA that close to 3.0.... She did say that their required "Goal Statement" carried the heaviest weight and to spend a great deal of time on this and it would be helpful in getting admitted to their program, even with my GPA, and they look at the applicant as a whole.
Although the news has bummed me out, I would like to start thinking of other FNP (or Acute NP) programs where I would be competitive. Here's my background in a nutshell:
-12 years exp ICU (and CCRN certified since 2010)
-Will have a total of 6 years in the Navy's Nurse Corps when I separate in fall 2017
-The program is a "Rural Health" FNP program and my intent is to practice in Rural KY (my hometown)
Any other recommendationson programs? I feel like my real-world nursing experience should trump my less than stellar GPA (12 years ago...) but we'll see. Has anyone else been admitted with a lower than average GPA? Mine still is above their minimum required, but just barely.
Thanks for the replies in advance :)
Edit: Oh and I'll be using my GI Bill so cost isnt a huge factor for me. I would like to do the online route but a brick-and-mortar school would work too.
121 Posts
Have you tried frontier? It's in KY and is an excellent school from everything I've heard.
I'm looking at applying there too :)
23 Posts
I attend EKU right now, I'm in the FNP program. My GPA was above a 3.0 for my undergraduate degrees (I obtained both my ADN and BSN from EKU) but the minimum GPA requirement is a 3.0 so I would apply regardless and see what happens. As for the goal statement, I recommend reading the instructions very carefully and including ONLY what they ask for. I did a presentation on the FNP program as an undergrad and the guest speaker, who is a professor in the FNP program, gave us that advice. They want to see that you can follow directions and get your point across concisely. I spent a great deal of time perfecting that statement and I put a lot of thought into their questions. I truly think they read those closely. Also make sure you have 3 good recommendations from various staff. I chose a doctor in our ER, our pharmacist, and a nurse who supervised and practiced for 30+ years. Some applicants have to come in for an interview but I was lucky and was granted admission with no other hoops to jump through. Just a little insight into my personal process. I wish you the best of luck on your journey!
Mightynurse - thanks for the advice. I definitely plan on applying. I loved EKU when I was there. I was I n the first Accelerated BSN class back in 2002 and graduated in 2003. When were u there? I respect them a lot as I had a great experience there and they were very supportive of their students. This and the fact they have somewhere around 100% pass rates on boards are the biggest reason I want to attend. I'm gonna try and knock that goal statement out of the park. I am looking for the fall 2017 semester start so I have a few months to perfect it
I finished my ADN in 2011 and my BSN in 2014. The FNP program is definitely tough but I know it will be worth it. You do have to find your own preceptors so keep that in mind as well. Fall start is the best in my opinion because you don't have to double up on classes in any of your semesters. They do have a 100% pass rate on boards, you are right about that, so it's very comforting to know!