Published Nov 10, 2015
7 Posts
I will be taking the ANCC test on the 19th. Is there anyone out there that has recently taken the test and passed it. I am looking for information on what to concentrate on. Any information would be GREAT
303 Posts
For ANCC you need to review the nonclinical ethics/legal/cultural nursing stuff. (i.e. patient advocacy, rights of the patient, NP scope of practice, understanding and showing respect for patient and family cultural beliefs, etc.). There will be many of these types of questions on the test. STUDY THIS!
The test is not hard. Most of what you will see on there is stuff that you know. But they do challenge your knowledge of basic clinical stuff. Some of the questions are ridiculously easy. And some have answer options that don't seem to make any sense. With the latter, it seemed to me that they are testing not just your knowledge of patho and pharm but also simple safety awareness. In the latter case, you are looking for the answer option that is most obviously inappropriate for the given diagnosis (i.e. a gliptin for type 1 diabetes, or a statin for a patient with a given history of liver disease.).
Review the more common things: like HTN, diabetes, COPD, thyropid, hypercholesterolemia, etc. and the first- line interventions. They did not ask any questions about rare or exotic diseases. Review OB, pregnancy complications, STDs. Review peds, growth and development, asthma, bronchiolitis, etc. Review especially eye and skin diseases.
62 Posts
Be sure to look at the exam content outline on the ancc website. Good luck.