Palm beach state application question HELP!!

U.S.A. Florida


I just met with an academic advisor at the PBG campus and this lady pretty much said there was no way I was getting into this program without the volunteer experience. She told me they put the applications into 2 piles those who have the 100 hours and those that don't, and the ones that don't the applications never even get looked at... Is this true?? If anyone in the program already could tell me if didn't have the 100 hours and still got in I would really appreciate it!!!

And by the way I have a 3.75 gpa, im finishing up my last semester of the co reqs and just waiting to take my hesi in Feb. Without the 100 hours I think my total points will be like 26.7 and last semester the cutoff for the program was 25.1 or right around there..

Thanks again!!


Hi Mkearns,

I have been reading several of the threads posted by previous students of the program and not all of them had volunteer hours.. Sometimes when you speak with counselors or people in general they tend to be discouraging. Maybe you should call the nursing department at Lake Worth and speak with someone there..... or look online and you can find the point system for the program by printing out the 2012 application- and you can calculate your points yourself... Good luck, Im planning to apply to the program as well and I haven't volunteered anywhere as of yet.

I'm a current student in the program, started in January, and I didn't have the volunteer experience. They base it on points, and everyones applications get looked at.

Hi Joannfiore,

Congrats on acceptance to the nursing program. How do you like the program so far? If you dont mind me asking, what was the point system like for the term you were accepted in- like what was the score or number to beat? Was the competition really fierce?

Thanks in advance

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