floor to management


I have been a floor nurse in LTC a year and some change. I am beginning to feel confident about my skills and knowledge though I still have a lot to learn, I feel pretty comfortable on the floor with figuring out what I need to do when faced with challenges. I've been at my new facility for three months (spent a year at my previous job then moved out of state) ans really enjoying it. My DON and ADON are great and very receptive to problems. Yesterday they told me that because I have done well with wounds on my floor they would like for me to get wound certified but that they typically reserve this training for unit managers. then they offered me a unit manager position. I was very surprised because I haven't been there long and don't have much experience. There are other nurses in the facility who seem like they would be a better fit. I have seen people become managers without much experience and it become a total disaster. I've heard a lot of floor nurses discuss how foolish it is to become a manager before you have had solid floor experience. I'm hesitant because of this. I expressed that I felt as though I didn't have the experience and wondered if I would be competent for the job. My DON told me that there is always something to learn and no way to be 100% there until you do something for yourself. That made sense to me because I felt the same way about floor nursing, just have to get in there and do it. I'm intrigued by the position because of the wound certification, it's more money, and I would like to have more experiences that open me up to other nursing jobs. I wonder if this would be a good experience for me to learn more about nursing or if I will feel completely overwhelmed. I would appreciate any feedback. My best friend whos an ICU nurse with more experience than me says to not do it. I don't see myself as a career desk nurse... i appreciate all that they do but I love bedside. However I am looking to go back to school for my RN/BSN and could certainly use more money to be saving up now. I also don't think I could work the full time days management postion when I go back to school, but as of right now I don't knoq when that would be anyways so i don't want to base my decision off that. Thanks for reading.

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