Published Feb 4, 2021
CaliRN13, BSN
125 Posts
Not sure where this post should go (Florida Nursing or NICU), but my husband's job will be taking us to the Pensacola area this Spring/Summer. I currently work in a fast-paced level IV NICU and I love it. I've worked in a level III NICU at a delivery hospital before, but I love the complicated patients and teeny tinies I get to care for in the level IV where I currently work.
Does anyone have any information about Studer Family Children's NICU? So far it's the only hospital I've found with a NICU that is closest to what I currently do and nearest to the area we are looking live (though suggestions are welcome as far as best areas to live in!)
I already know I will be taking a pay cut coming from Southern California but I'm curious about a few things:
... and most importantly are they are even hiring? They do have full time positions posted which I plan on applying for but I know a lot of institutions are posting jobs even though they are on hiring freezes.
Any info is helpful! Thanks so much in advance.