First Day Jitters


Hello everyone. Needing some advice/guidance. I am a fairly new RN for the past year after graduation I have worked at a LTC. I recently applied, got offered & accepted a part-time position on a medicine unit. This is my first hospital job ever and as an RN. I have my first orientation/pre-cepted shift on Monday. Right now I am excited, nervous and scared. More nervous & scared than anything. I have heard some good things and not so good things about this unit. More bad than good. Im nervous about making mistakes and not get along with my coworkers. Does anyone have suggestions on overcome first day jitters/working in a new environment and working in a potentially bad work environment. Any suggestions/advice on anything else would also be appreciated.

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

Keep an open mind. Coming in jaded about the work environment and staff is going to make every slightly negative or neutral interaction seem worse. Understand that there are many factors that play into workplace culture/politics and the people that have told you the bad things may not know the full story, or may have that perception for a reason. For example, a former employee on the unit who may not have had adequate skills to practice safely may be resentful of constructive criticism that was given to her. An employee on another unit is on the outside looking in and may perceive that the staff is stand-offish and demanding when they actually have great internal relationships and a high focus on patient safety and thorough report. Be friendly, be kind, respect the experience on the unit and be willing to learn. The jitters are completely normal and will work themselves out as you become more familiar with the unit and the work. Best of luck, and congrats on the new job!

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