Finding a place to work in order to get experience while finishing my prereqs?


Okay so I'm freaking out since my classes are winding down and I only have 2 classes left to take which are A&P I and II. Since I have to take these in 2 seperate semesters I will have A LOT of free time. I've called a few hospitals in my city (NYC area) today and they only have clerical jobs for me to volunteer. I also have no previous work experience, only helped out at my uncle's lumber factory during the summer. Where do I start? I can't fathom going to class that meets twice a week and sit around the house for the rest of the week.

I'm also thinking about taking CNA classes with the free time I have if I don't find a sidejob so I at least have some kind of qualification to put on the table besides being a nursing student. I also don't want to get a job in retail because it doesn't pertain to my nursing major but I might have no choice because the volunteer jobs are only clerical and I'm not sure if any hospitals will hire someone with no work experience.

I tried meeting up with my counselor in the nursing department today and since it's summer he's rarely there so I really really someone to put me on the right track. I have a 3.8 GPA right now but with zero working experience I feel like I'm getting nowhere. Help guys?

I think either volunteering or CNA sounds like a good call. If you volunteer at a hospital and make it known you are going to nursing school you can make connections that way for when you graduate!

Specializes in Critical Care.

I would work as a CNA in a hospital. :)

I would work as a CNA in a hospital. :)

If that's the case then should I put 1.5k on the table and take CNA classes along with regular pre-nursing classes? That would put me in line to land a CNA job along with taking my nursing program next year when I finish API and II.

You can volunteer and meet as many nurses and hr managers and let it be known you're a nursing student and will be applying for a job when you graduate...while maintaining a good rapport as a volunteer..either way you should get a job... Good luck

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