Finding funds for my studies


Specializes in MedSurg, Telemetry, Cardiology.

Hi All:

Finally decided to move on to Nursing for a thousands of good reasons (at

least I think so...). I had been accepted for BS->BSN program in Kramer

School of Nursing, in Oklohoma from Jan 2007.

Now, my question is about the funding for my studies. I have heard that I

could get the tution fee paid if I promise to work for a hospital after my

graduation or of similar nature here in California or any other state. Does

anyone has information about such programs ? I would really appreciate your


Looking at the tution and other fees, the total cost for my BSN would come

to 45,950 plus living cost in OK. It would be great if I could get full grant

but if that is a little bit of stretch, any partial help would be nice.

Thanks a lot for your help.

Specializes in MedSurg, Telemetry, Cardiology.

Looks like everybody is tired of my questions and worries. Sorry to bother you guys...Have a great weekend !!

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