Favourite hospital departments?


I was just thinking after returning home (well current home away from home) from my clinical placement in a rural hospital about my favourite experiences to date..

I work in a 600 bed hospital as a Health Care Assistant (my countries equivalent of PCT) in my hospitals internal agency while I study. I always thought I liked the late nights in departments of ED, Resus, Acute Assessment, ICU, HDU ect. Fast paced, high tech and high patient turn over.

However, as apart of my clinical training I was placed in a 12 (+2 maternity) bed hospital with a 2 bed Emergency department, small day surgery operating theatre and an xray machine to boot. I have to say that I'm loving it.

The variety is amazing. However a new found passion may be developing, we get many palliative patients. I've seen a new side of palliative care. Providing patients with true dignity and respect. A nice death. When I return to work I will be hard pressed to find deaths as nice as the ones I have experienced here. Quiet hospital room with a view to die for. In addition to caring, experienced nurses who just have 'it'. It just doesn't quite compare a sterile white hospital room over looking the city with overworked health staff who see palliative care as a nuisance often over utilising certain aspects of the LCP.

I'm sure my thinking and writing is disorganised right now as it's late. But who cares. I was feeling all deep and meaningful after another amazing night of providing true nursing care.

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