Published Jun 12, 2008
13 Posts
I work on a peds psych unit and I'm looking for a fall assessment to use as it is mandatory hospital wide. The problem is all our kids would be rated as a high fall risk based on the medical floors fall assessment. Does anyone use a fall assessment that is specific to psych---adult or child related?
14 Posts
Hi in my setup we have a fall assessment.But i dont think it is for psy as it is also used in general side too.Again the contents are not all applicable to psy. However we still use it and the risk interventions maintained.especially when we have sedated patients.
7 Posts
We (ie, the psych division) invented the Falls Risk Assessment tool we use. It evaluates gait and balance.
There are several "measurements," such as: patient can arise from chair without use of arms or assistance, can maintain balance when given a little push -- eyes open and then eyes closed, can maintain balance when turned in a 360 degree circle -- eyes open and eyes closed -- does all this sound like what you've already got? I really don't know if it would be useful for a pediatric population, but if you think it might be of use I can give you the whole thing.
Hi 42gameover,
I would really appreciate your information. I'm going to be working on creating a fall risk for our program and I'm not real sure where to start.
Hi 42gameover,I would really appreciate your information. I'm going to be working on creating a fall risk for our program and I'm not real sure where to start.
Hey there RNfinally:
Very happy to pass it on; figure on me having the info this weekend. I'm not sure if you'll find it useful for peds but may as well take a look, right?