2018 Fall Article Contest

It's time for the 2018 Fall Article Contest, and everyone is invited to participate. Read some of the articles from past contests to get inspired. If that's not enough, maybe the fact that the top 4 articles will each win $150 will motivate you. The winners will be selected by the members in a poll.

2018 Fall Article Contest

$600 in cash prizes! $150 each for the top 4 article

The Fall Article contest will span several holidays....beginning with Halloween in just a few days and continuing through Christmas. Through this holiday season, think about the many ways that nurses can have an impact on people.....co-workers, students, patients, families, communities. Articles are a great way to give us a glimpse of your nursing experiences....personal, inspirational, and educational.

The topics for your articles can encompass anything as long as it's nursing related - daily work, past experiences, education, study tips, technology, etc. The following are just some suggestions:

  • Original Nursing Ghost Stories
  • Nursing Stories Christmas Past, Present, and Future
  • Inspirational Student Stories
  • Things You Are Thankful for as a Nurse
  • Nursing Challenges
  • Nursing and Humor
  • Your Nursing Journey
  • How-to topic on specific nursing tasks. (good for newbies)
  • Study tips or how to conquer the challenges of nursing school
  • How you made it through orientation and the first challenging year of your first job
  • Your most chaotic unforgettable day (no real names please)
  • Your most gut-wrenching moment with a patient (no real names please)

Who can enter?

This contest is open to all. You don't have to be an experienced writer. You don't even have to be a nurse with years of experience. We love articles from newbie nurses and students. If you've thought about sharing your nursing experiences or tips, this is a great time to do just that. And...you might even win some extra spending money in the process

Articles must be submitted between October 1st - December 31st.

Helpful Tips

TIP #1: Articles written on a personal level that answer a frequently asked question are popular with our readers.
TIP #2: Articles that promote engagement and are personal (personal to you; personal to reader), usually have the most replies.
TIP #3: The more descriptive the article is the better the response from the community.
TIP #4: Articles written by members who provide helpful feedback on other topics/articles usually have the most replies and shares.

Articles can encompass daily work, past experience, education, study tips, technology, etc. As long as it is nursing related it's acceptable. We look forward to you sharing your experiences and knowledge with our readers.

4 winners will be chosen with a total cash value of $600! Each winner rewarded $150!

You will help select the winners - a Top 10 poll will be available at the end of the quarter. The winners will be announced about 14-21 days later.

Contest Rules:

  • Article tone and content must comply with our contest rules and Terms of Service.
  • Articles must have a minimum of 600 words.
  • Articles must be submitted between October 1st - December 31st.
  • No plagiarism - your article must be written in your own words and cannot be posted on other websites, blogs,etc. prior to posting on allnurses.
  • Articles will be reviewed and approved by staff for consideration before displaying publicly.
  • Articles must be unique, articles should not be listed on other websites, blogs, article sites etc. prior to posting on allnurses.
  • You may submit multiple articles.
  • You grant permission to allnurses.com rights to publish in magazines, books, etc. You will be notified and credited if published.
  • Keep personal formatting choices such font choice and size to a minimum - use only for headings. Black font only.
  • Check grammar, punctuation, and spelling before clicking SUBMIT.

For more help, read How to Submit an Article

Good luck to everyone! We are looking forward to reading all your articles!

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