Published Dec 8, 2020
4 Posts
This post is for all of those considering pursuing their NP education at Fairleigh Dickinson University.
Avoid at at costs.
After spending almost $60k on this degree, I have learned that it is a common practice of the university to wait approximately 4+ months ( intentionally) before releasing required documents to the ANCC allowing students to sit for boards.
Whilst not explicitly stated, it is my belief that this is used as a tactic to prevent students from rushing to take boards and possibly negatively impacting the school’s pass rate.
While other students at outside universities are sitting for boards within a reasonable amount of time post graduation, students at FDU are non chalantly told not to expect to be licensed for almost one year post graduation.
My intention of this post is not to be inflammatory, but to create awareness of the tactics commonly employed by this university and warn future students against pursuing a degree at this university.
There are other more reputable (and ethical) options around for choosing an NP Program than the disrespect and lack of regard one will endure here.
- Strawberry
dianearc, BSN, RN
167 Posts
StrawberryblondeNP said: This post is for all of those considering pursuing their NP education at Fairleigh Dickinson University. Avoid at at costs. After spending almost $60k on this degree, I have learned that it is a common practice of the university to wait approximately 4+ months ( intentionally) before releasing required documents to the ANCC allowing students to sit for boards. Whilst not explicitly stated, it is my belief that this is used as a tactic to prevent students from rushing to take boards and possibly negatively impacting the school's pass rate. While other students at outside universities are sitting for boards within a reasonable amount of time post graduation, students at FDU are non chalantly told not to expect to be licensed for almost one year post graduation. My intention of this post is not to be inflammatory, but to create awareness of the tactics commonly employed by this university and warn future students against pursuing a degree at this university. There are other more reputable (and ethical) options around for choosing an NP Program than the disrespect and lack of regard one will endure here. - Strawberry
Whilst not explicitly stated, it is my belief that this is used as a tactic to prevent students from rushing to take boards and possibly negatively impacting the school's pass rate.
Hello, that's sad to hear. I was actually considering their AGPCNP program. Which specialty did you do? Was it all online? Aside from the delay in taking the boards what can you say about the program?