Failed NLN So upset !What do I do?!


Okay so I didnt study at all, I have been killing myself to finish all my gen eds so I would be able to start clinicals.

I took A & P over summer which was horrible doing it in 8 weeks, and right now I am in Adv A & P, Microbiology and Sociology. There was no time to study! I feel like such a failure and I am really down on myself! I have had straight A's in all my classes and this is so hard for me to take! I am a mom of 5 and really didn''t want to sit a whole year! What do I do ladies I need some advice! So if I can't even pass this how am I going to handle clinicals?

Sorry to hear, I also didnt pass the first go u mind if I ask what was ur score? and dont feel bad cause its really not how smart you are just how much better u did than the next person. I'm taking it again in a week and I als odidnt study the 1st time..but im studying my behind off now.

I got a 96 what did u get? Could u keep me posted what u get and what u all studied the 2nd time around! Thanks so much for replying I felt like I was the only one who failed since no one replied

I felt the same way also..i made a 95, to score a 105 or higher to get in 60th percentile..i'll hoping and praying for the best.

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