Fail the NLN twice and get into the program?!?!!?


I'm doing some venting here folks. I took the NLN, passed the first time around and was placed on the waiting list for the RN program. A classmate of mine took hers on the same day and failed. 6 months later, she retook the exam and failed again. She then proceeded to email the adviser for the program and throw a fit about having to wait anther 6 months to retake the test and if she couldn't get in to the program, she would go to a different school. The adviser talked to the dean of the program and....THEY ARE LETTING HER IN!!!!!! :eek: What about all of those people who studied and passed...or the ones who didn't pass, but tried again until they got it! This girl has such a bad attitude it's unreal. She's barely passing advanced A & P right now, and of course, it's the instructors fault, not her own. She says she's too busy to study outside of class and she puts in enough time listening to lectures. She has no real desire to be a nurse, she just wants to get a "decent paycheck". Eek!!! Graduates that I have talked to about it say not to worry-that she'll never make it through the program...but until that happens, she's taking up someone's spot who deserves to be there! Has anyone else encountered a problem like this!?!?

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