Exit HESI tips & help


Hi everyone, I'm a senior BSN student & I am unable to pass the exit HESI exam. I was set to complete my program in Dec '13, however after 3 attempts I did not pass my exam. My program has marked me Incomplete in the course & I will come back this spring to retake the exam (& also do a short internship). With that being said, I made a 751, 807, & 817 consecutively on the exams & we are required to make a 900 to pass.

Resources I utilized: HesiStudy, Evolve, Remediation of the exams, the HESI exam book, Saunders, as well as an alternative questions for the NCLEX book. I have taken every exam on HesiStudy as well as Evolve & I'm just frustrated beyond belief. Anytime I discuss the exams with my professors I feel proficient on my knowledge base, but when it comes test time, I falter.

If anyone has any tips or other methods that they have used, or if anyone has ever found themselves in this position, I would greatly appreciate the help!!!! I have a job lined up and everything & it makes me sick to think that this is what is standing between me & the opportunity to obtain my license! PLEASE help!!!

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