Excelsior English Composition Exam

Nursing Students General Students


Hi all, I'm new to the site. And just wondering if anyone has taken the English Comp exam via Excelsior?

I'm due to take it next month, the 28th. And would greatly appreciate any pointers! Thanks so much, Jenny

Hi all, I'm new to the site. And just wondering if anyone has taken the English Comp exam via Excelsior?

I'm due to take it next month, the 28th. And would greatly appreciate any pointers! Thanks so much, Jenny

Why don't you take CLEP English Composition? It seems to be more widely accepted.

I want to get the 6 credits instead of the 3 that I would be given if I took the clep exam instead. Then I would still have to take 3 more credits in humanities. Kinda wish I would have done that, I've come too far w/this route now to go back! My test is set for the 28th of March. Thanks,Jenny

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