Essentials of Critical Care Orientation [ECCO] online via AACN...


Specializes in Telemetry, OR, ICU.

*As an Army Nurse [66H8A], I'm not sure if I'll work in CCU, or MICU, or SICU, so please forgive a similar Thread I posted in the MICU/SICU forum... thanks! ;)

Has anyone taken this course? It is the phase 1 portion, and phase 2 is a 12 week classroom course. Both are provided by the American Association of Critical-Care Nurses.

Phase I is tough, but very interesting, and a passing grade is 80%, and no less. :eek: Also, I'm on a short time-line d/t I have to be finished by March 23rd in order to start phase 2 on April 23rd [started the first of January].

Anyway, just wanted to chat with anyone that has been there & done that, i.e. ECCO course.


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