Published Jul 21, 2004
CseMgr1, ASN, RN
1,287 Posts
Here's the deal: 2-3 weeks ago, our supervisor tells us that if we come in early during the week and work on Saturdays until August 1, we'll get paid OT (straight time if we're exempt, time-and-1/2 for non-exempt). We have a backlog of cases, and the higher-ups want them cleaned out before our merger goes through. OT? sounds good to me! So, beginning last Saturday and through today, I have a total of 6-1/2 hours of OT built up, with another 9 hours scheduled through this coming Saturday. Well, lo and behold, our supervisor comes in from an all-day meeting, in which she is told no more OT. If we come in and work on Saturdays or come in early and stay late, it will be for NOTHING. NO more OT, because it's "not in the budget", yet our CEO gets to walk away with $32 million dollars as the result of this deal...with more to come. As obscene as this already sounds, it is even MORE obscene, as I am literally having to sell my furniture, to put gas in my car and food on my table, and they are b******* about 6-1/2 lousy hours of OT?? :angryfire
Tell you what: Mr. $32-Million CEO can HAVE his crummy organization, and I
WILL take my 401K (it's supposed to double, after the merger goes through), and he can take it and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. I've spent 34 of my 53 years working FOR nothing, and I am OVER it. NO more!
242 Posts
do ya think that this has anything to do with the nursing shortage? i am glad to hear that you have made up your mind not to put up with it anymore.
here's the deal: 2-3 weeks ago, our supervisor tells us that if we come in early during the week and work on saturdays until august 1, we'll get paid ot (straight time if we're exempt, time-and-1/2 for non-exempt). we have a backlog of cases, and the higher-ups want them cleaned out before our merger goes through. ot? sounds good to me! so, beginning last saturday and through today, i have a total of 6-1/2 hours of ot built up, with another 9 hours scheduled through this coming saturday. well, lo and behold, our supervisor comes in from an all-day meeting, in which she is told no more ot. if we come in and work on saturdays or come in early and stay late, it will be for nothing. no more ot, because it's "not in the budget", yet our ceo gets to walk away with $32 million dollars as the result of this deal...with more to come. as obscene as this already sounds, it is even more obscene, as i am literally having to sell my furniture, to put gas in my car and food on my table, and they are b******* about 6-1/2 lousy hours of ot?? :angryfire tell you what: mr. $32-million ceo can have his crummy organization, and i will take my 401k (it's supposed to double, after the merger goes through), and he can take it and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. i've spent 34 of my 53 years working for nothing, and i am over it. no more!
tell you what: mr. $32-million ceo can have his crummy organization, and i
will take my 401k (it's supposed to double, after the merger goes through), and he can take it and stick it where the sun doesn't shine. i've spent 34 of my 53 years working for nothing, and i am over it. no more!