Eight months of experience and new job question


Specializes in Peds, psych.

I currently have eight months of subacute experience in a long-term care facility. The experience has been very beneficial, but the pay is pretty low, and the hours are not very good for my children. I could potentially transfer to a full-time day position on a long-term care floor at a different site within the same organization, which would be nice for my family because my kids are at school all day. I am also going to be finished with my bachelor's degree this December. My goal is to get into a hospital.

I'm debating whether or not I should take a full-time day position at the other facility, though. A lot of the hospital jobs around here want a year of nursing experience and a BSN (preferred). Do you think I should stick it out where I am, finish by BSN, and then apply for hospitals? Or do you think it wouldn't matter whether or not I transferred and was in a long-term care position when applying for hospitals? The subacute/transitional care experience is more similar to a hospital than long-term care. I'm torn on what to do. Does anyone have any advice/insight or had a similar experience?

Specializes in Med/Surg, Rehab.

I would stick it out since you seem to have an end date in mind anyways. Start applying for jobs when you're close to having your BSN. You might get a better recommendation from your subacute manager if you have all of your experience on that floor, plus you're more apt to gain transferable skills there.

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