Education Authetication - CGFNS

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Help!. CGFNS have mention in the website under my education form that they are waiting for authentication. The problem is I do not know which person in my university that they have contact. I emailed CGFNS but they will not disclose the person. I have reach out to the person that fill out the form and provide her email, however according to her, she did not receive and document from CGFNS. Help! I don't know what to do. And I know it will take months for a form to be process and I might not be able to complete my CGFNS till the dateline. I have paid so much to them .. 

CGFNS...Hello dears. I also have the same problem. About license verification. Apparently, CGFNS says it sent a verification document to my board and once it has been replied to by my board the status would change. When I called CGFNS, they said something along the lines of the signature given did not match what's in their database. Could someone help me out who has had this similar problem on how they went about solving it. And how long cgfns took to resolve this particular issue. Thanks in advance.


May I ask how is your status now? I have the same problem.

Hi all, so eventually my education verification did managed to be authenticated. I did not know who they contact and my school did not able to tell me who CGFNS contacted. What I did was I make sure every biweekly to contact CGFNS and express my concern , the one replying me was kind enough to ensure me not to worry as they just waiting for my school. So after about 2months I saw CGFNS change it to education verified. I hope it helped.

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