ECPI Charleston, SC

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello RN's and Nursing Students! I have searched high and low and have found zero recent posts about ECPI's RN program so I decided to see if anyone is in the process of applying or successfully completed the program. I currently live in Charleston, SC and will hopefully be attending the Charleston campus. I have recently passed the TEAS assessment (Reading, English, Math and Science) per their requirements, so I am now allowed to move forward with pre-requisites. Their first RN co-hurt will begin on August 15, 2016 and I will need to have my Sciences completed completed before I can apply. So here is what they are requiring: A/P 1 and 2 (Bio 101, 104. College algebra. Intro to computers and English Composition) I will be transferring over English but everything else I am required to complete. They are offering Bio 101 and 104 in a compressed format (2 1/2 weeks each) so therefore I can apply no earlier than July 8th. Bio 101 will begin on June 6th.

Ok, finally to my question - Has anyone successfully completed the program or is in the process of applying with pre-requisites completed? I also want to mention that Bio 101 and 104 will not be the only set of A/P's that we are required to complete. Our first semester(if accepted into the program) will consist of Bio 111 w/lab, Bio 116 w/lab so therefore my pre-requisites are on a lower level....RIGHT?? Anyone have any experience with Bio 101 and 104? What can I expect?

Any advice or comments would be greatly appreciated! Thanks all (:

Hello I'm looking forward to apply for their First cohort but how well do you have to do on the TEAS?


How did it go so far? Did you get into the RN program or have you completed any prereqs?

I am asking because I am starting my prereqs now, I have 3 left and hoping to apply for the April start date RN program.

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