Published Sep 10, 2014
1 Post
Hey guys,
I've been reading a lot of negative comments on the ACE program and I want to write this so people aren't scared away from it (like I almost was when I read this stuff last summer). I currently just finished the program- passed the dreaded exit HESI that everyone talks about with a 1041.
While the program is extremely intense and is not something that I would do again, I will say that I am glad that I did it. It's what you expect... a very intense 11 month BSN program. Yes, you will see some of your classmates fail out (usually around q2). Yes, you have to say goodbye (somewhat) to your social life. Yes, you need to study A LOT. It's doable though! I think the first quarter for me was the hardest and then after that, I kind of knew what I had to do - prioritization wise. I still had somewhat of a social life, too... but I also missed out on some important events due to clinicals, finals week, etc. You have to expect the worst going into it. It really isn't bad though.
It's true that for most classes, you only have 1 midterm, 1 final, and 1 HESI that are part of your grade - for some classes, you have 1 midterm, 2 quizzes, 1 final, and 1 HESI...and you usually juggle about 21-23 credits each quarter... it's scary... scariest thing I ever did... but you can do it! If you want to get your BSN in a short period of time, go for it! Don't let others freak you out! I'm happy I went through with this because I am finished now- currently waiting to take my boards (but if you pass Drexel's HESI with a score of a 925, you are basically 99.something% guaranteed to pass the NCLEX- they prepare you SO well)... I was a straight A student going into this program- and each quarter, I usually got all As and 1 B... the last quarter I had gotten all As...graduating with around a 3.7... if you study and put the time into it.. and really try and remain can complete this program.
Many employers around the country are familiar with this rigorous program too...I can't tell you how many nurses and nurse managers at my different clinical sites would tell me "If you can get through this program, you can get through anything in nursing". They know how good this program is and how well it prepares you and ACE students are wanted!
If you have any questions about the program, feel free to ask. Don't let others scare you away because everyone is different. Everyone has different experiences and honestly, this program is not as bad as everyone makes it out to be. Remaining positive and confident in yourself will go a long way. :)
myelitenurse2b, LPN
26 Posts
Thank you!
7 Posts
Thank you for your input. I'm thinking about applying to the program. Can you tell me what study guides you used for the HESI?
2 Posts
I literally just made a thread on this - should've checked the boards first >
Thank you very much for your post because I have been accepted for this Spring cohort and am seriously considering confirming the acceptance. However, all the negative press the program gets is very intimidating it's nice to hear someone speak less negatively about the experience. I get that the program is intense and really demands a full effort for its entirety (11 months), but some people make it out to be medical school or some impossible endeavor...just very intimidating to take out that much money in loans for a program so poorly regarded.
What was your personal attrition observation? (i.e., about how many of your classmates dropped) Also, did you notice a pattern in their reasons? (e.g., family, bills/money, etc.)
11 Posts
Hi everyone!
I just recently was accepted into a accelerated nursing program. I am from Oregon and am moving to Pennsylvania. One of my biggest concerns right now is being able to pay for all of this! The school itself costs about 40k and I accept the living to be on the more expensive side since it's a big city...all in all I'm expecting this to cost around 60k (AH!!).
I was just curious for people who have completed accelerated programs how they financed this? Were there any scholarships or private loans you would recommend? Were you able to hold a part-time job? I was thinking about picking up some babysitting jobs just to have a bit of extra spending money.
Any thoughts/suggestions/advice would be GREATLY appreciated!
5 Posts
Thanks mgulick6 for all of that info. That's great to hear!! I've just been accepted for Fall 2015!!! and am trying to decide between ACE and FACT (Jefferson). And I, like many others, am very intimidated by this program. However, I've always known how to study my butt off and not have a social life while in school. lol.
I'm wondering what the retention percentage for this program and what reasons people possibly failed out for? Also, how many hours of clinicals did you have per week?
So you've been out for almost a year- are you working as a nurse? How is life?? :)