Published Feb 25, 2010
3 Posts
in the chicagoland area and you are trying to get into the nursing programs. don't fret.
there are many community colleges that offer the major. i am a nursing home administrator contemplating getting my r.n. license. yes i have to fulfill the general education requirements. if one place will not take you find another place to study.
here is my take on the issue. the programs want to give the students a sense of accomplishment like their r.n. program at any particualar school is the "cats meow." like you finally made it. there are many schools who will teach you, accept you, and take your financing. if you can't get into a particulary school, apply for another. go to a four year institution, go private. take out loans etc. so if you have a time frame to accomplish your goal do it. don't let the program directors tell you can't, your not good enough. the last twenty years program directors have tried to tell inquirng students don't apply you will not get in, the wait is too long. i noticed that recently they don't voice this sentiment as hard, but they do say that, i think to keep you working hard to acheive. i think they are testing one's resolve and desire to become a nurse. believe you/me. as a leader of nursing staff, i have seen nursing staff who are so incompetant it was amazing they had the skill to even graduate the program, let alone, have the personality to be a care giver.
don't lose hope.... there are other schools, private and public, many two year and four year schools. when they try to tell you it is tough to get in. don't get angry at them. with economy it is hard all over.
this is the scoop.
1. people lose interest, drop out of the program, move away, can't hack the program or the job, or can't handle the site of blook or witness the pain of an individual. therrefore you could get a call to join the program mid-semester. they get married, get pregnant, move away. so apply at many schools. i was told by one nurse who attended c.o.d. and was told that there is a two year wait. well-she got in the spring class right away. the program directors just go down the list.
2. hourly pay for lpn is average $23 at rosewood joliet and bridgeway in bensenville and $27 wynscape/ rn average $28 at rosewood joliet and bridgeway $38 at wynscape. want proof. check out the idph long-term cost reports. the pay scales are listed third or forth from the last page of the nurisng home you look at. i don't know about hospital pay scales. they are called idph long term cost reports.
3. find a school you can acheive your goals, transfer out, take the loans, you will make money.
4. as an adminstrator. as an employer. this is what i would like to see in nursing staff.
a. as a floor nurse, you are in charge of your patient. ensure you know everything about that patient and be proactive on giving them the tender loving care they crave, give them their medicine on time, chart during the day because the director of nursing is going to chew your but off when you incure over-time. but there is lots to have-o.t.
b. since you are in charge of your patient you are a leader of your certified nurse's aide.
c. you must have a heavy hand in direction that c.n.a. and yourself by observing the patient in change of condition, ensure they have water to drink every shift if is not contraindicated. protect them from falls, skin tears, and abuse. the c.n.a. are very underpaid and don't care as much-well some do care very much, but they are very over worked. so intentional and unintential mistakes happen. that is why you need to use good managerial techniques inworking wiht your c.n.a.
d. always be willing to help, toilet, and guide the paitent.
e. be willing to help your c.n.a. teach your c.n.a. what you expect. there are too many nurses out their that let c.n.a.s do what ever they want to do and let them to thier own devices. don't do that. that is when paitents are left for hours in their own excrement, urine, they have a potential to fall and have skin tears. with that said a nurse must be a leader for her crew, team, etc.
f. don't give up.
g. teas test my but... just apply yourself...
h. don't loose sight of your goals and career aspirations.
i. learn to become a director of nursing or mds coordiantor. job secrurity is good. job secuirity is good for lpn adn rns too.