Published Mar 15, 2010
3 Posts
I am trying to decide which school to apply too & would REALLY like to hear some feedback from people who are already enrolled or just recently graduated from either school please.. any thoughts, comments, advise... etc..
90 Posts
just taking General courses, but there is a waiting list for both. Seminole has higher requirements and other stuff
according to there website....
If you have all your General Courses taken care off there are a lot of Nursing schools you can apply to.
What other schools do you recommend I look at? I have all my pre-reqs done so the next step is to apply to the program... I just am not sure which one is a better transition school to attend.... teacher wise, course workload wise, etc...
FLH by far. direct training to hire
tuition subsidized, if you sigh a contract to work there for at least one year....
2 Posts
I graduated from VCC several years ago. At the time, it was the best nursing program in the area (and CHEAP!) and Seminole was the brand new upstart. Florida Hospital does have an excellent program, but I didn't want to sell my soul to any facility in return for tuition in case I hated the facility and it was rather expensive otherwise. :) I couldn't tell you anything about the programs now. Valencia fiddles with their program every semester so it's probably quite different than when I attended. I do know that I came out of it far better educated than other nurses that I've met that attended other comparable programs outside of Central Florida.
Hope this helps!