Published Sep 17, 2018
2 Posts
Hey everyone! I am a recent new grad just starting off on my own on an ortho/ped unit. I have been doing CrossFit already for about a year but usually attend the classes at night. My new schedule is a .9 and I work 1430-2300. Most nights I don't get out until 0000.
I have had to change my CrossFit classes to the mornings. It is SO hard to wake up and make the class. My box offers 0900 or 1000.
Any advice!? I have been so down lately because of my new schedule and not being able to make it to CrossFit 4-5 days a week like I have been.
I also have two competitions coming up and I don't want to let my teammates down.
1,381 Posts
Goodness, you must not get to bed until late! Your body may still be adjusting to the new schedule and you may find it easier to make it to 10am class yet. My mind used to stay reved up until the wee hrs of the morning as a new nurse working pms. Now I can usually get home by 1230 and be in bed by 1am. I attribute it to aging and fewer anxieties as a more experienced nurse. Hang in there.
Thank you!