Do I Still Have Hope?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello everyone im a 21 year old male and nursing is something that I am really interested in, I wont to get a BSN at a university in the chicago area; as of now I've finished a majority of my pre-req classes at my local community college. I will begin classses again in August which will be my last semester at my community college and I will be taking Psych Stats, Abnormal Psychology, Organic Chemistry, and repeating Micro. My fear is that I wont be accepted into a nursing school because I messed up in some classes when I first started college because I wasnt focused and was always having car problems, and I didnt do good in Micro last semester got a D, and a C in Anatomy 2 because I was stressed and had a lot going on and my mom wasnt doing well :crying2:. I made the classes up that I didnt do well in when i first started and got A's in them. The classes were music appreciation, and anthroplogy. I had a 3.5 G.P.A but that micro grade, and anatomy grade lowered my GPA. Is there still hope for me and getting into nursing school? What must I do because this is something i really wanna do and im so passionate about it. Im gonna repeat the micro class, and do my last few classes and try to bring my GPA from a 3.0 to a 3.5. I live in chicago BTW. :):redbeathe:redbeathe

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Hi luckyboi,

You asked if you have a chance to get in and my honest reply is yes. Most schools don't just look at your GPA so you should see if there are other things that your school look at. A high GPA doesnt always guareentee an entrance to a school. The best thing you can do (since you have so much going on) is try to find a way to relax. If you're adding the unnecessary worrying to life it will just slow you down. It stops you from thinking clearly. SO just breathe take it one day at a time.

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