Distracting Roomate


Hey guys I'm in my second semester of nursing. My best friend just moved back to the state and I told her she could move in with me. I have told her how busy I am, she doesn't seem to understand. She's loud and goes to sleep till 2 am and is very distracting, she comes home and I'll be in middle of homework and studying and she wants to talk. She's my best friend and I don't want to ruin our friendship but I don't want my grades to suffer because she just doesn't comprehend the load of homework and studying I have to do. I'm lost as to what I should do. Any ideas?

Specializes in Emergency.

Tell her to shut up or go to the library. Or use earphones.

Specializes in Critical Care.

It sounds like you need to sit down and have a talk with her - tell her exactly what you told us about how busy you are and how her habits are affecting your ability to study. Come to an agreement on some house rules (quiet time after 11:00, she's not to bother you if your door's closed, etc.) and spell out what the consequences will be if she can't comply. Maybe plan a designated hang-out time each week when the two of you can just relax and talk. Other than that just try to study outside of the house as much as possible.

Specializes in Psychiatry, Mental Health.

You could also try getting noise-cancelling earphones (to use with or without music) to wear when she's bopping around and you're trying to study.

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