Published Apr 25, 2019
karkov19, RN
1 Post
I'm really discouraged with nursing at this point in my career. I have been an RN Since 2015. I have worked mostly in private practice surgeon centers. I also tried case management with insurance. Most recently I just began working in an ED 6 months ago. The hospital I work for has been undergoing a lot of management changes and almost daily there is some sort of change in the ED. This is very frustrating for me as a RN new to the ED.
The patient population in this ED is dispicable. Mostly we see patients for general health concerns that should be dealt with by primary doctors. For these minor complaints I see massive work ups being done and sometimes patients being admitted because providers can't find anything wrong with them. I'm just so discouraged at this point and am not even sure if I want to be a nurse anymore?