Did you Go to an LVN program in Fresno or Clovis area? Can you review


I'm researching LVN programs and the 3 I'm looking at are the 2 year Program at Clovis Adult School, the 1 year Program at Clovis Adult school, and the 1 year program at Fresno Adult School.

My questions are,

1. How long were you on the waiting list, if at all?

2. How fast paced was the program

3. What was your total cost (Tuition+Books+Uniforms+Anything Else)

4. If you worked and went to school, was it super tough? Would you recomend working durring the program? Why or Why not?

Thanks so much!

I am currently enrolled in the Fresno Adult program. As a 14 month program, it is very fast paced. Only a couple of my classmates have part- time jobs (single without children). The rest of us do not work. The few who started the program while working have dropped out of the program or quit their jobs.

The program itself is impressive. Our theory instructor is from the Mayo Clinic. I am learning more than I ever imagined. Fresno Adult currently has a 100% NCLEX pass rate. I know that the program is turning out good nurses.

Not everyone who applies is accepted. Entrance is based on grades, recommendations, a C-NET exam and an interview. A back-up plan would be wise just in case you don't get in.

If your life circumstances permit a full-time commitment, it's a good school.

Good luck.

i am currently enrolled in the fresno adult program. As a 14 month program, it is very fast paced. Only a couple of my classmates have part- time jobs (single without children). The rest of us do not work. The few who started the program while working have dropped out of the program or quit their jobs.

The program itself is impressive. Our theory instructor is from the mayo clinic. I am learning more than i ever imagined. Fresno adult currently has a 100% nclex pass rate. I know that the program is turning out good nurses.

Not everyone who applies is accepted. Entrance is based on grades, recommendations, a c-net exam and an interview. A back-up plan would be wise just in case you don't get in.

If your life circumstances permit a full-time commitment, it's a good school.

Good luck.

hi, im trying to get into the lvn program for june 2011, and i got a few questions... If you could help me!

1) how hard was the cnet test???

2) did you get the study guid?

And any other info you can give me bout the program it self..... Please and thankyou!

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