Welcome to the new Learning Disability Nursing forum

Specialties Disabilities


Per the request of one of the allnurses.com visitors, we created the Learning Disability forum. Enjoy!

Please feel free to start posting your Learning Disability issues and questions. Thanks


Brian Short


It's how nurses surf the web!

Specializes in DD, LTC, Meg-Surg.

I work as a nurse consultant with clients that have developmental disabilities. My clients are all adults over 18 y/o. I am the nurse consultant for 3 -16 bed group homes and 2 8 bed CILAs . These homes are located across the southern part of Illinois. Many of my clients are duelly diagnosised. I am on call 24-hours a day we rotated every 6th weekend on call. It is challenging, fun and rewarding. The direct care staff pass medication on my license. This can be very unsettling at times. The background for positions like this is wide open. It is part Med/Surg, Psych, Rehab and LTC. One of the biggest challenges is to find inpatient psychiatric services when needed. Because many places will not take people that have a psychiatric problems and who are developementally disabled as well. :smilecoffeecup:


I have a 8 year old son who hasnt been confirmed as far as being autistic. But 3 psych think so. Were waiting on a psych eval and the neurol appt which they referred me to. The first time he got admitted they thought it was bipolar. The second time, they think its autism. To be honest no one seems to know what he has. He's always had ADHD/ODD but its not clear to me or anyone if its autism.


Were just dealing with a lot of aggression,he's been admitted 2 times in less than a year in the hosp, a lot of sensory issues. The head banging, forget taking a shower, an issue in itself most of the times. Im just a little concerned like the nurse practitioner is with the fact that he says he hears voices telling him to kill and cut up people etc.

Theyve increased his abilify from 2.5mg in am and 5 hs to 10mg am and hs.

The explosive rages were just out of control. I didnt thin autism had explosive rages like the ones he gets. Is this schizophrenia? I mean voices dont seem autistic. or yes?

I mean, it seems like once any kid gets out of control for a while, they want to admit them. Thats ridiculous.

Any advice would be great.


dette;56361]I am a school nurse working with a population of autistic adolescents and adults. My students are 12 to 21 yrs. old and of course mostly male. Many of them have a dual diagnosis of seizure disorders, and most of them are either non-verbal or nearly so. Communication can be pretty challanging, but with time and patience it can be done. There is one insulin dependent diabetic boy. The biggest problem is one of behavior, usually aggression or SIB.

Where are you located. I need to get my son help.

N;418606]Brian, thank you for changing the name to DD to encompass

all developmental disabilities! Much obliged!!

I work at a residental facility for DD in pediatrics. We also provide services for members of our community with DD. We even have

our own school for the disabled!

This is a very special and rewarding area of nursing and I look

forward to discussing it with all of you!

Specializes in learning disabilities, mental health.

i'm a learning disabilities nurse in Wales, we are definately needed!! i'm quite newly qualified, been working a year and a half now. learning disability nursing along wth other health professionals and support staff have brought people with learning disabilities a long way, but i still feel we have a long way to go. i have a job interview tomorrow, which will be formulating packages of support for people with learning disabilities and challenging behaviour, which i am SO nervous about but hope i get it as it sounds like i could really make a difference doing it.

just wondering are there people from other countries who have similar registrations?

im an irish certificate trained intellectual disabilites nurse. im returning to work after 7 yr break and am looking for advice on clinical refreshers or good clinical textbooks as i feel a little inept in clinical area:bluecry1:

Hi Laurdar:

Where are you? Here in the USA some community colleges offer refresher courses. Also check with your local licensing board either online or call; they usually have a list of board approved refresher courses.

Hope that helps...


Specializes in acute care, psych, home care.

I work for the state of AZ Dept of Developmental Disabilities as a community nurse consultant. It's a great job! I work with one provider and with all their homes and their day program. We problem solve,

keep track of illness of clients and their solution, work as part of a team doing ISP's, check state of group homes and the meal's nutrition, ect., and do inservices. :heartbeat

Hi all

where could I found the useful websit regarding with learning disablilty nurse in Australia

any help!!

I am looking to get in touch with any learning disability nurses who are now working in Australia. Please let me know where you have managed to find work and what you are working as whilst out there.

I am UK trained learning disability nurse am looking to emigrate with my partner who is a general nurse.


Interesting forum. I have been looking for information on a nursing specialty in the USA for developmentally disabled children but have found little here. In 2005 I adopted a small child with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS). She has cognitive delays (the current politically correct verbage for Mental Retardation) and some emotional/behavioral problems. Alcohol use during pregnancy is the leading cause of Mental Retardation in the USA (and probably in the world)...it is also the only cause of Mental Retardation that is 100% preventable. FAS is a little recognized problem that was only recognized as a medical diagnosis in 1976. Research has found that mild alcohol consumption during pregnancy (sometimes as little as 2 drinks) also has adverse effect on the developing fetus' brain and can cause cognitive delays...so the problem is not only for heavy drinkers...but for any pregnant woman who consumes any alcohol. My own cognitively delayed daughter will probably never be able to function independently in society. FAS is brain damage that is permenant and can never heal. And, from what I've read about children who grow up with unrecognized FAS, many of them do so badly at trying to adjust to society with a damaged brain that doesn't understand the rules that they end up in jail, or worse, victimized, abused, or dead.

In another line that would be applicable to disability nursing, in the past few years the number of children that have autism has increased by over 6 fold. (There is even a TV commercial stating this fact.) So along with the medical demands that the aging of America (Baby Boomers growing older) are going to place on the medical system and nursing, if thae trends in the increases in the occurance of autism in the population continue it will also place huge demands (and needs) on the future of the medical (and nursing) field. However, surprisingly, so far I have seen little in literature recognizing this fact....and no training in nursing schools preparing our future nurses for this population in need of services.

Well, I didn't mean to ramble on..just to say this is an important field of nursing that is very underdeveloped in the USA.

Hi all,

I am a registered learning disability nurse. I am currently working in Sydney NSW Australia. I am a registered nurse who can only practice in the area of mental retardation ( a term i hate). Any advice on where i could appy for jobs in this area?? Thanks a million :)

Also, could any UK practicioners tell me how i might be able to get into forensic nursing in the Uk? This is an area i find fasinating. Moving there next year, i am Irish and a RNLD. Or could anyoine tell me what job opportunites are there in my line of work at present. Thanks alot :)

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