Published Sep 4, 2012
1 Post
Hello fellow nursing colleagues.
I am currently a BSN student in my first year.
Well,..okay. I did a career change and decided to go into nursing, as following hte MD path required a lot of time commitment to schooling.
I already have a bachelor's degree in another field.
My nursing school has a master's entry program for students who already have a bachelor's degree, in ANY subject. This master's entry nursing program has various fields of concentration, such as public health, executive nursing, nurse practitioner and obstetrics, if I'm not mistaken. I had no idea that this kind of nursing graduate program existed. It's a very intense and fast pace program. However, I am willing to put up the fight, quit my job (since it's like med school where you do not have time to work a job), and study my rear-end off to become an NP.
I am wondering, after paying $$$ for my first year in BSN nursing school, is it feasible for me to apply for the master's program, while I am attending my BSN program?
The graduate program at my institute also has a tuition price that is four times the tuition of my current BSN program.
Some people told me that nurse practitioners is all about the "title" and the annual salary of a nurse practitioner, versus an RN, is not that much of a difference.
I also see a fellow high school student who graduated from my same class, who went on to college, I don't know what she majored in, but is in the nurse practitioner program.
What are your guys' opinion?
Shall I stay in the BSN program (where honestly, some of my clinical instructors treat me like a kid)?
Or do you think it's okay to take out loans, and go the graduate masters route for nursing?