Published Oct 23, 2016
67 Posts
Hello Everyone!
My name is Yousaf; you can call me Sef for short. I am a recent veteran that has decided to become a nurse. I was originally a marketing major and decided that I enjoy helping people and always loved the medical field. I am 26 and started college again, and I must say it is much easier now that I am older than when I was 18. I haven't dove into my pre-reqs yet but my spring semester will be consisting of AP I, Chem for health sciences, College Algebra, and Sociology. I am looking forward to it. I maintain A's and B's and am fortunate enough to be able to dedicate my full time to school if need be thanks to the GI Bill. I am constantly lurking on the forums and this is my first time deciding to post. This site has been wonderful in helping me understand what I am getting myself into. I hope to apply next spring. I am a student that is currently at Miami Dade College. I hope to get into their RN Program. I wanted to track everything in this forum so that if there are others that are within the Miami area that need advice I am willing to do my best to help and may even be a great opportunity to study. Let me know if you guys need anything or any advice that you think will help me as I begin the my journey into this wonderful profession.