CSULB's lottery system??!! Flying in from Boston?quick question


I live in Massachusetts currently because I am helping a family business but my primary area of residence has been CA for the past ten years. I would like to apply to CSULB spring 2011 nursing but am only interested in the trimester program.

I am also taking classes to finish up a BS this fall. I can only finish it this fall, as I have a scholarship that expires.

So, I will be flying to long beach for the initial interview, and the lottery (to see if you get into the 2 year trimester or 3year program).

I have some questions about the sequence of the CSULB nursing admissions process.

So I will need to fly to CSULB for the 1) interview 2) lottery 3) drug screen?

I only plan on attending CSULB IF I can get into the trimester program.

Do I do the drug screen , purchase uniforms, books, everything BEFORE I do the lottery, or AFTER I do the lottery?? I plan on withdrawing my seat if I only get into the three year program.

After the interview, you are notified about a month or so after, stating information about the orientation. At the orientation, you are given a choice which program you would like to enter. I believe that there are more spots for the trimester program. At my orientation, it appeared that mostly everyone got into the program they wanted. But yea, you'll basically find out which program you will be in and information about books and uniforms (and the deadline for when you need to order them) at orientation

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