CSU East Bay Hayward: EBSNA Websites


Hi CSUEB Hayward students! Have your questions answered and stay updated with news and events through East Bay Student Nurses Association (EBSNA) Hayward's websites:

EBSNA Website: http://ebsnahayward.com

  • Each time the nursing office or EBSNA sends you an email containing official/finalized announcements, the content will also be posted on the website. EBSNA will occasionally post polls on the site to get feedback on potential events or fundraisers. You'll also find an events calendar that will stay updated with major events & requirement deadlines.

Message Board: http://ebsnahayward.forumotion.com

  • You can discuss nursing/nursing program/EBSNA related things with each other here; share ideas, make suggestions, upload files. It's a locked board so you'll have to register for an account (it's free!) if you want to use it.

Twitter: http://twitter.com/ebsnahayward

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/pages/East-Bay-Student-Nurses-Association-Hayward/124660224286194

  • Follow and Like EBSNA Hayward to see quick updates and reminders on your Timeline and News Feed.

Please note that these sites are administered and moderated by the 2011-2012 officers of EBSNA Hayward and not by the university or the nursing department. If you ever have any trouble with the sites please contact me (Angela) at [email protected]

I hope you find these sites and their features useful!

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