Credit Evaluation from CGFNS and Nepal Nursing Council


Hi I am nurse from Nepal.I applied for credential verification for new York board. It has been 6 months nursing council from my country(NEPAL NURSING COUNCIL) did not reply to CGFNS.I tried contacting nursing council in Nepal. They said moved to different place(but the mailing post box number is same). Also they said they have not received any such letter from CGFNS, they could not provide any further information.. It has been 6 months.. My application will expire in 180 days....if it expire I have to fill another application for Cgfns.. So I want to know when the Nepal nursing council will reply to Cgfns (or if there has been cases where Nepal Nursing Council did not replied at all???). I am preety worried about my situation here and want to know if there is any way we can facilitate this process. Thank you

Hi all, i am a registered nurse from south Africa who relocated to united states, specifically nyc. I applied for credential evaluation since octorber 2013,via cgfns but they only sent the request to my school by feb. 2014 which my university did send what they requested. When i check my status now it reads RECEIVED BUT NOTACCEPTED i have tried to call cgfns to know why that comment but none of the consultant is giving me any answers. Is there anyone out there who can really advice me on what to do.

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