Convention - Nursing Students of Wa State


On May 4that the Tulalip Resort, the Nursing Students of Washington State (NSWS) will hold its annual convention. We expect this year to be an even bigger success because our event will be held in conjunction with the Washington State Nurses' Convention at Tulalip Resort Casino. Students will be able to gain valuable networking exposure, learn about leadership opportunities, be able to participate in a Hurst sponsored mini-NCLEX review, and more.

NSWS is the only statewide student nursing association in Washington State and is a subset of the larger national student organization (National Student Nurses Association), which links nursing students all across the country in an effort to begin building professional nursing careers as early as possible. Our mission is to develop a collaborative and cooperative structure between nursing schools within Washington state to create consistently high standards that support nursing students through education, scholarship, legislation and networking. We believe in unifying the voices and philosophies of Washington State nursing students in order to better and advance nursing as a profession.

If you have any questions, please feel free to visit our website at or contact us at [email protected]. We'd love to tell you more about who we are and what we do.

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