Published Mar 23, 2010
7 Posts
question: how do you handle more contaminated areas within your prepping area? the following are specific subquestions:
1. do you prep the umbilicus first or last in an abdominal prep?
2. do you prep the lady parts first or last for a perineal prep?
3. what do you think about the need to change into new sterile gloves after a lady partsl prep and before inserting a foley?
i think aorn recommends prepping contaminated areas last but this is not how i was taught and i never saw anyone do it. any thoughts?
82 Posts
1. Our prep trays come with Q-tips that we use to clean out the belly button...then we get a sponge and prep as usual from inside out.
2. For perineal preps I do the inner thighs and pubic area and then move in to do the lady parts. The very last thing I do is a swipe over the orifice.
3. I haven't ever thought about this, actually. I guess I've never seen anyone change their gloves because you only touch the sponge stick when prepping a lady parts and I can usually keep it sterile. Maybe not a bad idea though...I would be interested in hearing others' thoughts.
29 Posts
i don't change my gloves after a lady partsl prep- gloves are still steril. also i was tought to always prep belly button first then move out.
369 Posts
1. Do you prep the umbilicus first or last in an abdominal prep?
I usually start with dropping a little prep fluid in the umbilicus, sort of letting it soak. Let's face it, some belly buttons
need more help than others. I swear I've discovered new life forms in there at times!!!
2. Do you prep the lady parts first or last for a perineal prep?
Last. I tend to do the legs, groin, etc first with my last swipes over the orifice. Then, with a sponge stick, the lady parts.
3. What do you think about the need to change into new sterile gloves after a lady partsl prep and before inserting a Foley?
I do no, unless I feel that I've contaminated my gloves prepping, especially considering the orifice prep.