Considering Nursing


Hi everyone. I've been lurking here a lot and just registered today so I could start posting my questions.

I am considering going into nursing. I used to be a special education teacher and am now a stay-at-home-mom. My youngest will be in full-day kindergarten soon and I'm pretty sure I don't want to go back to teaching.

I have been driving myself crazy going back and forth in my head if I should try nursing or not. I really do think it's something I would enjoy - I care deeply for people and want to be in a "helping profession." Really my only concern is that I won't make it through school. Science was always my worst subject and I avoided it whenever possible. I'm also afraid that if I manage to get through all the tough classes/clinicals, that I will enter the profession without really understanding everything I should.

Like I said, I've been lurking a lot and the threads I've seen from nursing students and nurses talking about everything they know or need to know seems so overwhelming. I did very well in high school and college but I'm afraid that I only did well because it was regurgitating information, rather than actually doing critical thinking that I've read is so important in nursing.

I'm sorry for babbling. I've just been really stressing myself out with even making the decision of if I should try this or not. I guess what I'd like to know is....

How much of what you learn in nursing school do you actually have to retain and use on the job?

If science is not my strong subject, should I rule out nursing?

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in Med/Surg.

I think that if you have a strong support system at home, you should try it. Science was my worst subject in high school, and I have done exceedingly well in college sciences, and in my nursing classes. You can make it work if you have the determination. The critical thinking skills and all of that stuff will come with time. Focus on finding a solid, reputable program that fits into your life, and begin with the prerequisite courses. You'll never know unless you give it a shot!

Thanks for replying. I've contacted the local community college and learned that I only need to complete A&P I & II before I could apply to the program (I took English Comp and Psych with my other major).

How many people start out in nursing with NO medical background? Like....I couldn't even tell you what all your major organs do. Heart-blood, lungs-air...that's about it. I told you I suck at science! But I also know that I haven't had a need to know this stuff, so that's why I don't know it. I'm guessing I could learn it, but I'm worried I don't have the right type of mind to really understand it? If that makes sense....

Ugh, I have a headache, lol.

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