Published Mar 7, 2008
1 Post
I am a new member. I whould really appreciate your help, since all of you work in medical facilities and know the real situation at the job market and all the short cuts. I need a second profession and I can't decide what would fit me better. I am torn between RN, Radiographer and Surgical tech or maybe something else??? Honestly, I don't have a calling, but I am certain that I want to have a medical profession. I want to get a degree and then be able to find a job ( at age about 40). The economy in Michigan is down, but I was told that there are still many medical jobs . I have never been in the hospital other than to have my babies and I don;t really know what other professions exist. I am from Russia (green card), I think my English is OK, but I do have a thick accent; 36 years old, 2 small children. I have been taking prerequisites towards RN program in the local community college ( with a slow pace because my younger son is 18 months old). When I started the waiting list for the program was 1.5 years. Now it is about 3 years. The Radiography programm sounds a little more appealing to me than RN ( because I think they don't need to talk as much as nurses), but what is the situation on the job market?? And the waiting list for radiography is about 2 years. Also, I am quiet, and soft-spoken. Advisers from the college did not help - they just say "be what you want to be... " From my experience in the US I feel that old people don't trust foreigners (am I wrong?)- whould it be an obstacle for me becoming an RN? Please help me make a decision!