Published Jun 2, 2014
26 Posts
Hi all,
I've been working away at my pre-reqs for three semesters at a CC nearby. My theory was to sort of get my 'sea legs' and also save a little money doing the gen eds. Its gone well, have really enjoyed it and with my studies so far have a 3.73 cum gpa. This is the extension campus for the CC, so the class choices available here are decent but definitely limited in number. The CC main campus is 38 miles away. Our town is small but does have a good state uni, and it has a BSN program.
I am in a rural area, approximately two and a-half hours from the nearest other two, four-year nursing majors available at other state and private colleges. I have family, with children in school etc. and while moving in the future, about four years from now can definitely be on the agenda, I cannot move before then.
I planned to transfer over to the four year college which like some other states has one of those almost guaranteed transfer programs from any CC in the state. I spoke with admissions there 18 months ago and again last fall just sort of making sure I had my ducks in a row. Last month I initiated the Transfer paperwork, and it looks like all my course work/credits are being accepted etc. HOWEVER, the Nursing advisor told me when I called a few days ago that at 24 credits, I would NOT be considered a freshman still, and that they welcomed all freshman to declare the Pre-Nursing major but otherwise I would have to 'just hope' to get one of only FOUR spots set aside for transfer student requests when I apply to the NS program/major as a sophmore ;o(.
No where in my advising from the CC which has a whole protocol for those who declare up front they plan to transfer to the four year university, did they tell me it would be advisable to do so at or before 12 credits. Nor did anyone in my query phone calls during these last two years mention it either. I was focused on the needed pre-req courses, the CPR class I'd need, the normal course of whatever vacc's I might need to update, volunteer hours, good references etc.
I feel so down. My goal is a BSN. Even if I wanted to try to be flexible and change my plans, that CC I have been going to literally lost their accreditation for the two year program last year. The staff there tells me it was just a technical issue with a few teaching staff resigning early and that it is being worked on and they 'optimally' will reapply and get reinstated with no problem in the next 12 months or so. ;o/
Bah. I'll be working as a Licensed NA for awhile yet, but not sure what direction to try for now. Thanks for reading this. Guess I'm just looking for others who may have hit a snag in their plans and how they were able to still accomplish their dream of obtaining their BSN.