Concidering moving from RI to St Pete Fl...



I am new to this board so let me give you some backround. I am currently finishing Micro at CCRI in RI. This is my last pre req for the nursing program. We no longer have a wait list at CCRI but word is that they are only accepting all the 4.0's first and there is only one session for the program every year...being in September. So If I dont make it in this year with my 3.1 gpa...I will have to take more electives this fall to bring my GPA up and try again next year. I dont mean to whine but I am soooooooooooo tired. Ive been in school for three years. I have three children and my husband is a struggling plumber in RI. Incase you dont know, the job market in RI is barely existant so now that his business is failing, he does not have many options...we are drowinging in debt, our credit is going to crap, we pay 1300 a month for a crappy little house in the best neighborhood we could pull off and theres no work for me either unless I want to be a waitress which I have already tried and it didnt help a bit. It basically paid for a sitter and gas to get there. Plus it takes time away from my studying. So, we were looking in to moving to the St Pete area as the job market for plumbers seems great compared to RI. He may actually be able to get a job with a paycheck every week and benefits to boot! Holy Crap! Sounds promising right? But I just dont know how competative SPC is compared to CCRI and if I will have to take more prereqs to get in to the program. I dont know what to do. If we stay here we are going to lose everything...but to take the chance to move out you think it would be worth it if I had to take a few more classes down there vs up here to get in to the SPC program? Im just so tired. Thanks for listening and any advice would help.:)

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