Completing my RN schooling


Specializes in med surg, pediatrics, geriatrics, family.

I'm in a quandary. I'm an LPN although I was trained at an RN school.

In 1990 I entered nursing school and completed two years before having to quit. My mother was diagnosed with cancer and at the same time the RN program I was attending decided I was not good enough to complete. I was at the end of my second year and enjoyed what I was doing. There was an RN educator who, not matter what I did, always found fault. I was doing well academically yet struggling on the clinical floor.

In 1993 I completed 7 weeks in an LPN program, challenging out of the academics and doing clinical only. I graduated as an LPN in August of that year.

Since then I've worked in a hospital for 5 years then doctor's offices, a large LTC facility and spent 8 years as the lone nurse for a juvenile detention facility. Needless to say, I've had varied experiences.

In order to complete my RN I will have to redo A&P as well as Microbiology because it's been longer than 7 years since I last took those courses. I was told it would take me at least three years until I totally completed all requirements (working while I'm going to school). As I am pushing the age of 50 I am hesitant on going back to school. It took me 10 years to pay off my student loans from the last effort.

Damned if I do and damned if I don't finish my RN. I am single and struggling financially in this lousy economy.

LPN's are no longer accepted in hospitals or specialty practices. Despite my years of experience as well as my talents with phlebotomy and IV's I cannot be hired beyond LTC's and doctor offices (which pay diddly squat).

So - do I try to finish or look for another line of work in the medical field to sustain me. At this point I won't be able to retire until I'm 70 years old.

You have been a nurse for so many years so I think that you should just take the step up and go for your RN. You already do the same job that they do. Why not get paid like it. Good Luck on whatever decision you make.

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