Competitive stats for masters entry programs?


Hey everyone,

I've recently changed my career goal (for a variety of reasons) from physician to nurse practitioner. I'm currently an undergrad psychology major at UC Davis in my last quarter. I have extensive knowledge about what it takes to be a competitive applicant in order to gain entry into an MD or DO program, but don't know a whole lot about nursing. Since I'll have a non-nursing BS degree, I'll have to apply to masters entry programs.

I currently have somewhere around a 3.35 GPA, with ~200 hours of clinical experience, and a couple of quarters of clinical research in the emergency department. Basically I'm wondering if this is a competitive GPA, and what the average GPA for these types of programs is. Additionally, what is a "safe" number of schools to apply to? With medical school I have heard stories of people with seemingly competitive stats applying to 30 or 40 schools and not being granted a single interview. Does this apply to nursing programs as well?

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