comparing community colleges


Specializes in LTC.

How would one go about comparing nursing programs at community colleges in Kansas. I'd like some feedback from students who have been there. 2 of the possibilities for me would be Butler in El Dorado and Hutch. If I want to borrow money for a private school I might consider Hesston. I live in Hillsboro.

Brown Mackie is working on starting a nursing program in Salina. Maybe they'll be ready by the time I am. They're not a community college and would cost more, but maybe not as much as Hesston. I wonder how theirs would be set up--one course per month like their other programs?


I currently attend Butler of El Dorado. I will graduate in May with my ADN. The college has an outstanding pass rate for those taking NCLEX-RN. It is one of the better nursing programs in the state (I'm not just saying that because I go there)! If you are an LPN, which I suspect you are by your screen name, Butler now has an online LPN-to-ADN program that you might want to check out. You wouldn't have to drive all that distance to get your education. PM me and I'll give you a couple of contact names for the program.

As far as cost, tuition is approximately $55 a credit hour. You can contact the financial aid department and get the appropriate paperwork started for federal loans, grants, etc. Go to Butler Community College's website at: I am getting my education paid for through WIA (Workforce Investment Act). They pay for my tuition and books. I also applied for federal loans and received some grant money to help offset my living expenses while going to college full-time. It's not a lot, but something is better than nothing. I have heard that WIA is no longer picking up tuition, but that is only what I've heard. You might want to check them out in your area. Do a search on the Internet.

Also, to help answer your opening question about comparing colleges, go to the Kansas Board of Nursing's website Click on Education Division and you should be able to see statistics on pass rates for all colleges in Kansas.

Hope this helps! Like I said, PM me if you need more info!

Specializes in LTC.

Thanks. I might slowly build up pre-reqs, and also, in the meantime, try their massage therapy program. I can take some of those classes in Marion, which is just 10 miles from me. Too bad they don't offer microbiology at their Marion campus. I wish they did.

i wouldnt recommend brown mackie college in salina i was going to go there for the nursing program and found out they have nothing but alot of complaints about that school so i switched to a different school but brown mackie i havent heard anything good about that school at all you can check it out on different web sites

Although this isn't necessarily a very complete picture of a program, you can go onto the Kansas State Board of Nursing's website and find a comparison of every schools first time board pass rates. Obviously there is more to a school than that; but if they have consistently low pass rates, then you can probably assume that it's not the best of schools.

Please consider the following if you think of going to Kansas City Kansas Community College;

I am in the Brown Mackie nursing program as of now. And is working out pretty go for me.

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