Published Dec 17, 2016
1 Post
I worked day shift as a CNA in LTC Rehab. I'm a brand new CNA and felt comfortable with my job already even if it's fast-pace and I've only worked there for a month now. I love my job, I love helping out people. I feel that my patients are happy with the care that I provided to them. Most of my patients will say, " Oh, you're an amazing CNA." "You're my angel." "You do things happily for me." "You're so sweet", if I'm assigned to someone else, one of them will ask for me bec they don't want to be change if it's a diff CNA and I'm willing to help them out still regardless of how busy I am and get them dress just to help out a colleague. I do bed bath, brush every pts teeth, change brief, establish rapport while I do the those things with them. Some of my coworkers are really fast, bec they don't do bed bath anymore. Which I don't mind. I barely sit in the chair, maybe during lunch break and a 15 min documentation of all my patient, I don't even have time to chitchat. I know I'm a hardworking person, I have no complaints wherever I'm assigned, be it a hard to deal patient, or whatever I'm always on the go. And I take care of them the best I can. Make sure their diapers are changed before the end of shift. I know my coworkers in day shift like me, bec I help out a lot.
My problem is, I have a colleague who works in the afternoon shift that time I had her run bec I'm thrown to any patient. Lol she thinks I left a patient wet bec she said "the family member complain and talk to the Unit Manager and got mad". Blah blah "You have to do this and that". Which isn't true, I would never leave a patient like that. She said I have to check the patient again 30 mins before I leave and we do reports at 2:45 and she want me to answer call light even if it's already past 2:45 and I do that when they're not yet in. One time, I was documenting, and she said "Thank God, (Name of other colleague) is here. Bec she don't like that it's me who's gonna be handling her pts in the morning. And the other CNA told me that, "she's gonna tell everybody" about what I did. Which are lies. I just feel so hurt that I worked so hard and it's what I'm gonna get. With all the stress and the low-pay which I don't mind. But having someone accused me of something I didn't do is just too much. I saw her talking to the ADON, so maybe she reported me already. She worked there 2 years. Where do I go from here? Sorry for the long post. Just trying to vent out. I feel like quitting already. How do I know if she write me up?
5 Posts
Document everything, go to HR if that's an option at your facility.
Don't let older CNAs run you off, and let your work speak for itself. It can be tough - people will hate you if you don't do enough work; some will even hate you if you work too hard and it shows them up.
The sad thing is... this is unlikely to change, and this particular CNA has probably done this to countless others before you.
Be polite to the CNA; if other CNAs/nurses try to goad you into gossiping by asking "What do you think of so-and-so?" respond with positive things only. If you continually say nice things when asked, it'll start to make the other CNA look bitter/backstabbish. Kill them with kindness - stay on your A-game, and keep a smile on your face. Don't let them see that their hurtful behaviors are affecting you.
Don't vent about her to any of your colleagues at work; word travels like wildfire in healthcare facilities. I definitely suggest speaking to HR or the ADON though about your concerns.
Just keep your head down, do your job well, and cover your ass (by doing your job well!! )
OliveOyl91, BSN, RN
293 Posts
Document, document, document. If you didn't document it, it didn't happen. What is your facility's policy on marking briefs? At my facility when we do rounds on a resident we have to write on their brief the shift we're on (day/eve/noc) and then our initials. Every now and then if the charge nurse thinks certain aides aren't doing rounds like they should, they put stickers on briefs and if they aren't returned in 2 hours then that aide is written up.
If you're working like you should, then other "veteran" aides will accept you with open arms, don't let a couple sour grapes get you down.