Scabies Question

Nursing Students CNA/MA


I need some advice in regards to the facility I am working at currently, I have only been working there since July 28th and after I was hired and started my first day I was told there was a scabie out break, but as people started talking on the floor it has been that way for months, and the people who have it the worse are free to roam around the facility as they please, I also was later informed that staff will not be treated, if staff gets the scabies we will have to pay for the treatments ourselves through our own doctors. Well I am not formally an LPN yet and I am still learning but I thought that those who are spreading the scabies to others would need to be isolated? I guess I need advice on what to do because I love the residents and dont want to quit but have 3 kids at home and wouldnt want to spread it to them. And I do take the necessary precautions not to get it, I even go as far as wearing a lab coat everyday, gloves, and the yellow surgery jacket. What do you all think about this?


I've read through most of the threads on this subject and it seems that some facilities had the problem and took care of it and are OK. Ohter facilities still had the problem.

Maybe it would be a good idea to speak to other people (besides nurses) who are also in direct contact with this problem. Like maybe someone could check with the cleaning department and see what they actually use to disinfect the facility? After all, I'd imagine being a nurse also involves sometimes needing to ask how do we erradicate this infection/problem from the root? We all need to communicate and work together on this because when dealing with infection, it seems it can easily become everybody's problem, and not for just an isolated few, a lot quicker than we think.

I have heard that neem has been used in India for centuries to fight scabies and lots of other skin infections. I know this is not in line with traditional "mainstream" medicine but if it might help someone somewhere...Isn't that what nursing is about? Helping each other?

Just a thought...

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