Clovis online A&P classes


Hi has anyone take the online Clovis A&P class? I am intrested in how the labs are done and test.



Hi, I took ap1 and ap2 from Clovis. It was a good class. Basically the way labs are done are thru more questions to be answered. Critically thinking is needed to complete this part. The professor is very accessable via email, and you need to pay attention to the exams, there are mistakes... all in all, it was a good class, LOTS of reading and question answering. the Professor ACTUALLY reads your answers, so be clear and concise.


Thank you for the info, so no actually disection right? Or additional lab kit to buy? I was really wondering about this.

correct, no disection or additional book or kit.

Specializes in Home Health, Community Health.

Hi 2ndcareerchange, are you from NM? How much was the tuition for the online A&P? Are there specific class times/days that you have to log into? Or can you log on each week to do your work at your own pace?

Nurse Blondie,

I am in the class now and you basically have to sign in once a week and there is quiz every tuesday and everyother Thursday there is a test. There is a final at the end of the semester which is proctored. Quizes are open book, test and final are not. If you are a resident the tuition is less if not the fee is $44 per credit. There is also a second fee, I think total I paid close to $200.

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