Clinical observation assignment (guided)


Hi everyone. I teach pediatric clinicals at a Children's Hospital and I like to send the students off the unit for a day to experience another area - OR, ED, PICU, etc. Does anyone have any suggestions or forms that you use for evaluation. I don't want to require another paper about their experience , but I also don't want them thinking this is a free day and they don't have to actively participate if they don't want too. Thank you in advance! I have found many valuable resources here!

Specializes in OB, NP, Nurse Educator.

When my students go to the OR I arraign to have them meet a patient in registration. The student then follows the patient to the holding room, to the OR suite, recovery and then to the floor (or to the car).

You can do the same thing with the ED - the student could either start in triage or they could actually go with the rescue squad (if that is allowed).

Have them do a power-point or a tri-fold presentation board depicting their experience or maybe just a part they loved or hated.

They could determine a knowledge deficit that the patient had during the experience and make a short 3-5 minute video doing that teaching.

Do not limit them to "papers." I know that they do not want to write them and that you do not particularly want to grade them!

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