Client safety incident reflect CNA/student nurse competency


I am a BSN nursing student in my senior year, and working as a CNA caregiver for an agency. I have only been working for about 3 months but I have had 3 patient safety incidents occur. These incidents are making me question my competency as a nurse. Considering my clinical experience is more extensive than my job req, I should be well-equiped to perform as a CNA caregiver. In clinicals I excell, and I've tried to implement the same attitudes about safety with my clients as well, but I feel as though my caregiving track record is not good.

The incidents are as follows:

-client Fell while I was assisting to ambulate as form of exercise: witnessed/ unable to lower to ground slowly. minor contusion to head.

-returned to room after housekeeping to see client on knees attempting to stand. Assisted client to sit in chair: unwitnessed/contusion to shoulder

- Failed to recognize signs of elder abuse by family member who ends up being arrested for stealing, possession of narcs, UI narc, ect.

I feel a sense of guilt over all 3 of these, even though I'm not sure if I could have prevented any of them.

So after these 3 things have happened over a short period of time I am terrified that patients will be injured under my supervision and that I could be held responsible. I guess my questions are:

Does this make me a bad/ irresponsible caregiver? Will I be a bad nurse?

how can I use these experiences so that I am a better nurse with positive safety outcomes for my patients?

Should I quit caregiving? I feel like giving up on my job...1) because I feel like a failure and 2) because the stress of this job is effecting my performance in school 3) this semester is very difficult and perhaps is distracting from doing a good job.

Specializes in Home Health/PD.

The post shows you care and shows you know how to accept mistakes (even though I am not sure if they could have been avoided). That is part of being a good caregiver. You need to learn from these mistakes and try to prevent them in the future. You are already on your way to becoming a thoughtful nurse. Don't let this discourage you!

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